
SCA President's Award & Fellow Status

Managing Director is Awarded The SCA President’s Award and Fellow Status

October was a month of industry acknowledgements for our Managing Director, David Ferguson. On October 26, 2016, David was awarded the President’s Award from Strata Community Australia (SCA) NSW for his contribution to the NSW strata sector.

In his speech, David acknowledged his team, parents and his business and life partner for encouraging and supporting him while he contributed time to the strata community. Strata Plus senior strata management team, his parents, and his partner Olivera were with David at the awards to share the moment.

David has been in strata since 1995 and has continuously contributed to the strata industry through various industry groups and associations. He was the longest serving President of SCA NSW, holding office from 2008-2013. David has also been a Councillor of UDIA NSWand a Director of SCA and is currently Chair of UDIA NSW Strata Committee. He has been a major contributor to the strata law reforms and continuously advocates to raise the standards of the industry through education and regulation.

Fellow status granted

Earlier in the month, David was granted Fellow status under the SCA NSW accreditation program.  The program provides professional recognition for strata manager who has submitted themselves to a strict code of ethics to create security, trust, and professionalism for their clients.

Fellow status is Level 4 of the accreditation pathway. The Board bestows this honour on only a few select individuals. Fellow status recognises David’s influence to create a national body and drive the brand, as well as his involvement in developing a national accreditation program.

November 2016


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